Monday, February 28, 2011

Don't judge

It's been a fun filled day including taking both my boys to the obgyn with me. Bribing them with candy to sit still while the doctor is in the room.Then a trip to Whole Foods, that ended in solomon tipping the cart all the way over with him and silar plus my groceries to the ground. Both babies crying, everyone looking at me like im crazy. Sometimes you just need a little Krispy Kreme. And yes I bought a dozen!!


  1. Oh my goodness Callie, this post just cracked me UP...and made me want doughnuts. *Reebs*

  2. I am so sorry this happened. I can not believe the entire buggy fell over...full of groceries and kids!! I can only imagine how frustrating it would have been!! I think I would have needed doughnuts too. ;)

    Love ya,


  3. I've been behind on your blog! You're so good at posting and writing, I really enjoying reading it and catching up with your life! The "Don't Judge" cracked me up! You KNOW I won't! Can't believe you're cart tipped over!! That must have been a sight! I think I would have cried. =)
