Thursday, March 3, 2011

The car wash isn't fun for everyone

 This is all that was left of the cheesecake I made yesterday.
 On our way into the car wash. i thought they boys would like it.
 Maybe not...
 He was better when I held his hand.

Glad to be out of there!


  1. Poor Silar. Jett and Owen used to be afraid of the car wash too. They would cry the whole time until we left. ;)

    Love ya,


  2. aw, poor Silar! just like the Dallas trip-holding hands is the best! =) Ada used to cry in carwashes, too. One time I was at a self wash and locked her and the keys in! She was screaming...good thing I didn't lock my phone in, a cop came and opened it for me. I snatched her out of there as if the car was on fire! =)
